Статья посвящена 1

problem of emergency surgery and intensive care for abdominal sepsis (AS). It outlines the key problems of the definition and pattern of AS, as well as its etiological pathogenetic features that determine the choice of an appropriate regimen of diagnosis and treatment. An account is given of surgical policy for AS in the context of the optimal choice of its programmed treatments based on the objective assessment of the patient's status, on the advantages and disadvantages of different regimens of surgical interventions. The present-day principles in the prevention and correction of intestinal insufficiency in AS are presented, as viewed by a surgeon and an intensive care specialist. Great emphasis is laid on complex and multistage antibiotic therapy by taking into account main causes of its failures in AS. An algorithm of treatment has been developed and ways of optimizing antibacterial therapy for AS are proposed. Б.Р. Гельфанд – доктор мед. наук, проф., зав. курсом анестезиологии и

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